Our Mission

Established to advance Republican interests. We meet monthly to:

  • Create an interest in the understanding of Republican principles
  • Participate in activities of the local, state and national Republican Party
  • Study and discuss the political issues of the day
  • Advance the interests of the Republican Party
  • Work for the election of Republican Party candidates


Membership is available to those who reside within the borders of  Wild Horse Township itself or are an elected Republican official whose district encompasses a part thereof. Only dues paying members may vote at scheduled business meetings of the Club, but anyone may attend such meetings.


If you are interested in joining the club, please contact Anne Gassel PresidentOr download our brochure here.

Club Meetings

Our club meets the 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m. 

so you can get your political fix and fact update,

and then get on with your weekend.

Nantucket Club House

16125 Port of Nantucket Dr. Wildwood


Next Meeting October 19th More on ballot measures and a report from County Councilman Mark Harder.


Do you want to know your House or Senate district? Do you know what precinct you live in?  Look up your voter details here.

Here's our township boundaries. See the full county township map here.

If you would like to receive notices of Wild Horse Township meetings and events please click on the button above to sign up on our email list. We promise not to spam your inbox.

If talking politics once a month is not enough for you, join our Member Forum where we share ideas and insights on topic-specific chat strings. You must be a paid member of the Club to participate in the forums. Use the button below and request to join.

November Ballot Measure Review

We all know there is WAY more to the ballot measures than what you see on your ballot. For those who missed the September 21st meeting where we reviewed each amendment's back story and shared our knowledge, here is the slide deck that was presented to help you be an informed voter. The consensus of the room was to vote against all IP measures on the principle that we don't want our state constitution changed in that way. Please feel free to share, or contact us with your questions.

State Amendment Overview

County Charter Changes


Quick Reference Government Contacts 2024

Federal Government

SENATE General Number (202) 224-3121 Ask to connect to Senator’s office
Sen. Eric Schmitt
 Armed Services
 Commerce, Science, Transport (202) 224-5721
 (314) 230-7263 - St. Louis Thomas F. Eagleton US Courthouse
 111 South 10th Street, Suite 23.305
 St. Louis, MO 
Sen. Josh Hawley 
 Energy, Homeland Security Judiciary (202) 224-6154 1453 Manchester Rd. Suite 201, Winchester, MO 63011 https://www.hawley.senate.gov
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES General Number (202) 224-3121 Ask to connect to Representative’s office
Rep Ann Wagner
 Ballwin, St. Charles, D02
 Financial Svcs, Foreign Affairs (202) 225-1621 DC Office (636) 779-5449 Ballwin 301 Sovereign Court, Manchester
 Chris Cook District Dir.

Missouri State Government

SENATE Legislator Lookup https://senate.mo.gov
Senator Andrew Koenig S-15
 Education and Workforce Development, Chair, Emerging Issues, Fiscal Oversight, Local Government and Elections (573) 751-5568 Ballwin, Chesterfield, Clarkson Valley, Des Peres, Ellisville, Fenton, Glendale, Kirkwood, Manchester, Sunset Hills, Twin Oaks, Valley Park, Wildwood, Winchester and unincorporated St. Louis County
HOUSE Legislator Lookup
 https://house.mo.gov/ MemberRoster.aspx
Rep Justin Sparks H-110
 Crime Prevention and Public Safety, Elections and Elected Officials
, Judiciary, Subcommittee on Appropriations (573) 751-0562 Justin.Sparks@house.mo.gov 201 West Capitol
 Jefferson City MO 65101
 Legislative Assistant: Uriah Stark
Rep Holly Jones H-088
 Children and Families
, Crime Prevention and Public Safety, Emerging Issues, Special Committee on Small Business (573) 751-7535 Holly.Jones@house.mo.gov Ellisville, Ballwin, Fenton
 Legislative Assistant: Misti Atkisson
Rep Phil Ohlerking H-100
 Financial Institutions
, Workforce and Infrastructure Development
 Subcommittee on Appropriations - Education (573) 751-9765 Phil.ohlerking@house.mo.gov Legislative Assistant: Matthew Griese Manchester

Presidential Candidates 2024

Statewide Republican Candidates

US Senate

Josh Hawley


Mike Kehoe         

Lt. Governor

Dave Wasinger

Secretary of State

Denny Hoskins

Attorney General

Andrew Bailey



Vivek Malek

Wild Horse District Candidates

Congressional District 2

Ann Wagner

Senate 15

David Gregory

House 88

Holly Jones

House 100

Philip Oehlerking

House 110

Justin Sparks

GOP Platform (2024)

Make America Great Again

Read the full document here

MO GOP Platform 2024

The Platform is a statement by all Missouri Republicans about what we believe and what we stand for. It is updated every four years. Below is just the preamble which covers our overall beliefs. For links to all the specific topic sections of the full platform go here.


WE BELIEVE all people are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is our fundamental belief that our morals, our values, and our culture are derived from Almighty God. To quote the Psalmist, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12.

WE BELIEVE that the strength of America is in the hearts and homes of its citizens.

WE BELIEVE in the right of Missourians to be secure in their persons, their homes and their communities.

WE BELIEVE government governs best when it governs least.

WE BELIEVE all political power is vested in, and derived from, the people; all government originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole by protecting the unalienable and God-given rights of the people.

WE BELIEVE the role of the federal government should be “to ensure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defense, and to promote the general welfare,” and we believe the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution grants all other duties to the states.

WE BELIEVE United States law and/or the laws of the individual states shall not be subservient to the laws, religious regulations, and/or cultural mores of the United Nations and/or any other country or countries.

WE BELIEVE the Republican Party is the best vehicle to build on the principles of free enterprise, personal responsibility, economic opportunity, strong families, moral values, protection of innocent human lives, and sound government.

WE COMMEND the efforts of elected Republican officials at the county and local levels. We encourage their work to advance good government.

WE COMMEND the efforts of elected Republican officials at the state level. Without question, Missourians are better off with Republicans leading both chambers of the Legislature.

WE COMMEND the efforts of elected Republican officials at the federal level. We encourage their continued efforts to balance the federal budget, to reign in the growth of the federal bureaucracy, to empower the states, and reverse the trend towards socialism and the high taxes that pay for it.

WE BELIEVE the Trump Administration has attained great achievements in the economy and kept campaign promises from the 2016 election.


Workers keep winning in the Trump economy as more Americans are employed than ever before. Minorities continue to benefit from a strong economy as Hispanics and African Americans have seen historically low unemployment under the Trump Administration and veterans’ unemployment rates are lowest in nearly 20 years. Trump’s economy has pulled disenfranchised Americans off the sidelines and into the labor market while wage growth has remained solid growing well above inflation.


Campaign promises made to the American people have been kept by President Trump. The United States withdrew from the disastrous Paris Climate Accord and pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Trade agreements have been negotiated with Canada, Mexico, the European Union, Japan, and continuing negotiations with China. Bureaucratic red tape has been cut under Trump by eliminating a record number of regulations and removing the individual mandate on Obamacare. President Trump signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history allowing for the United States economy to thrive once again. The strategy to defeat ISIS has been changed, eliminating the ISIS strongholds in Iraq and most of Syria. After decades of delays, the promise was kept to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and officially recognize Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel.


WE BELIEVE the re-election of a Republican president and regaining control of both houses of Congress will rein in Washington and restore government to its proper place, giving our citizens the opportunity to realize the American Dream.

WE BELIEVE continuing to maintain the Republican leadership in our state, including the election of a Republican governor and other statewide officials, will make Missouri safer, stronger, and more economically competitive.